Home English News Wanita BN Welcomes Mariati’s Appointment As Sabah AG

Wanita BN Welcomes Mariati’s Appointment As Sabah AG


KUALA PENYU, Aug 7 – Women, Family and Community Development deputy minister Datuk Azizah Mohd Dun today welcomed the appointment of Datuk Mariati Robert as State Attorney-General for Sabah effective August 1, replacing Datuk Roderic Fernandez who retired at the end of June.

azizahShe said the prestigious appointment proved the government’s appreciation and acknowledgement of women in the professional field.

“She (Mariati) is a role model and inspiration for women who aspire to be independent, highly educated and experienced.


“As a woman leader I thank the state government for acknowledging women through this appointment,” she said here today.

Mariati, who heads the non-governmental organisation Sabah Women Advisory Council, is the second woman to be entrusted with the position of state attorney-general after Kinny Li Yun Ken in 1968.

Meanwhile, Sabah Community Development and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Jainab Ahmad said: “Mariati is an experienced law veteran. I hope she can help resolve several ongoing issues we face so that the functions of the syariah and civil courts and our customs can be streamlined.