Home English News Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif says we want trade, not aid

Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif says we want trade, not aid


SEPT 26- Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has said trade is the path to economic development and not aid as the latter fosters dependency.

Sharif was invited on Tuesday by the President of UN General Assembly to share his ideas and suggestions on the issue of global partnerships for development to create jobs and improve sustainable lifestyles, the Associated Press of Pakistan (APP) reported.

nawaz_sharif_06082013He said the development agenda should not be based on aid alone.


He said that he was an advocate of trade and not aid, market access, economic partnerships, and transfer of technology and scientific knowhow.

The prime minister added that he was against aid because it created dependency and stunts the growth of states.

Regarding poverty reduction, Sharif said despite efforts that have been made by the UN, “poverty is still stalking the earth”.

On climate change, he said, it has “made our planet extremely fragile and vulnerable”.

On the importance of job creation, Sharif said: “As politicians and leaders of our nations, we all know that jobs sit at the heart of growing economies, good governance and political stability.”

The prime minister said his government was investing maximum time and energy in indirect interventions, in reviving the national economy and taking the economic growth from the present 3.6 percent to more than seven percent in next five years.

This would give a strong stimulus to agriculture, industry, trade, and services and create millions of new jobs.

The Pakistan government is also giving incentives to the private sector to generate maximum employment, he said.