Home India Fake currency being pumped by Pakistan into the capital puts Delhi Police...

Fake currency being pumped by Pakistan into the capital puts Delhi Police in a tizzy


New Delhi, February 13, 2013-The high quality counterfeit currency flooding the capital is worrying Delhi Police. And their reason to worry is genuine, given the sudden spurt in the fake notes being pumped by Pakistan, mainly through the porous Nepal border.

Last year a whopping Rs.17.3 crore bogus notes were seized, a quantum jump from the Rs.28,20,390 recovered in 2011. Almost 50 times the 2011 seizure.

fakecurrency01-2_350_021313102211Experts term it as “economic terrorism by Pakistan”, and see it as a threat to economic stability of the country. The increased influx of fictitious cash has forced Delhi Police to even set up a separate cell in the Parliament Street police station, where individuals or banks can submit fake currency they receive through different means. And in the first month of this year, Rs.32 lakh of fake currency has already been deposited there.

“Most of the Fake Indian Currency Notes (FICN) have been detected by banks and later deposited with us. However, the crackdown on fake currency smuggling will continue,” said Neeraj Kumar, city police commissioner.
Police maintain that the major points for pushing fake currency continue to be the border states of Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, UP, Bihar and West Bengal. Bogus money is routed through these states from Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Dubai, with Pakistan being the main source.