Home Editor's Pick 1pengguna Portal For Public To Compare Daily Prices Of Essential Items

1pengguna Portal For Public To Compare Daily Prices Of Essential Items


1pengguna portal

Kuala Lumpur, Jan 23 – Members of the public can now use the daily market price-checking service made available by the Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consumerism Ministry at www.1pengguna.com to plan their daily expenses.

Among the daily essential items which prices were available for comparison were chicken, beef, torpedo scad, onion, chili, vegetables and coconut milk.


The market prices of these item will be updated daily according to states and areas nationwide.

According to the portal, the price of standard chicken in all hypermarkets Selangor is between RM5.99 and RM8.50 per kg, while the price of live chicken in all wet markets is between RM5.20 and RM7.30 per kg.

In all wet markets in Kedah, Torpedo scad is sold at a price between RM5 and RM10 per kg, while black pomfret is sold between RM12 and RM30 per kg.

In all supermarkets and wet markets in Pahang, local mutton is sold between RM21.99 and RM38 per kg, while a kilogramme of beef is sold between RM14.99 and RM24.

In the city centre, the price of garlic is between RM2.20 and RM9 per kg, while okra is sold between RM3.20 and RM15.90 per kg.

In Johor, green chili is priced between RM7 and RM15 per kg, while red chili is sold between RM7.90 and RM23 per kg.

‘Kangkung’ or water spinach is sold between 38 sen per 250 gm in all supermarkets and wet markets in Penang, while tomato is sold between RM1.90 and RM7 per kg in Perak.

Round cabbage is priced between RM1.88 and RM 4.50 per kg, while coconut milk is sold between RM8 and RM10 per kg in Terengganu.

In Negeri Sembilan, blue/flower crab is sold between RM13.98 and RM28 per kg.

Through the portal, the public can also lodge complaints on traders who were found to have increased the ceiling price set by the ministry by filling in the online complain form or by contacting the ministry’s hotline at 1800-886-800.

– Bernama