Home Business Malaysia’s spending to grow 7.4% TO RM 68 billion this year!

Malaysia’s spending to grow 7.4% TO RM 68 billion this year!


Computer-&-Laptop-440-x-215KUALA LUMPUR, April 4 — Malaysia’s total information technology (IT) spending is forecast to grow by 7.4 per cent to hit RM68 billion this year while the global IT spending will total US$3.8 trillion in 2014, a 3.2 per cent increase from last year.

Gartner, Inc, a US-based company, which specialises in IT and advisory services, said businesses were returning to spending on IT to support their business growth.

“Consumers will be buying many new devices this year. However, there is a greater substitution towards lower cost and more basic devices than we have seen in prior years,” Managing Vice-President, Richard Gordon, said.


He said the devices include personal computers, ultramobiles, mobile phones and tablets.