Home Editor's Pick Windows XP stays strong despite end of support

Windows XP stays strong despite end of support


Windows-XPMay 4 – Although Microsoft has ended its support for Windows XP as from 8th April users of the aged OS aren’t exactly jumping ship in droves. It has been estimated that XP still accounted for 26 percent of all desktop OS traffic tracked last month by Net Applications.


This information was provided by CNet in an article recently.

Though XP’s grip of the market continues to drop, it’s still by far the second most popular desktop OS, at least based on Net Applications’ stats, the article claimed.

Microsoft no longer provides bug fixes, security patches, or other updates to XP, leaving users of the almost 13-year-old OS more vulnerable to security threats.

Microsoft began announcing the end of XP support nearly seven years ago to give people plenty of opportunity to migrate to a newer version of Windows. XP’s share will certainly continue to inch down, but for now the OS still holds a tight grip on many users.

Windows 7 continues to dominate with almost half of all desktop OS traffic, snagging a 49.3 percent share in April, up from 48.7 percent the previous month.

Windows 8 and 8.1 combined took home a 12.24 percent share, up from 11.3 percent in March, according to Net Applications.