Home English News Sunny Leone asked to lose five kilos for Leela!

Sunny Leone asked to lose five kilos for Leela!


Sunny LeoneJune 23 – Sunny Leone’s fans may not like this news. The curvy actress has been asked to lose 5 kilos by the makers of Leela in which she plays a princess. According to reports, a trainer has already been assigned to Sunny and she has started working on a new fitness regime.

The voluptuous beauty is doing a lot of stretching exercises as the role requires her to be extremely agile. Confirming the reports, choreographer Ahmed Khan told a tabloid,

“We will go on the floors on July 10. Besides the weight, a lot of which she has already lost, we are also training Sunny in basic folk and traditional Bollywood dance – a craft which she hasn’t practiced before.”


sunnyleoneDirected by Ahmed’s brother Bobby khan, the musical is set in London and Jaisalmer.Producers Ahmed Khan and Bhushan Kumar are still searching for the male lead opposite Sunny. “We should finalise a guy within a week’s time,” says Ahmed.