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GTP 2 to rectify negative perception of safety level


abuSUNGAI PETANI, Feb 20 – Efforts to reduce crime under the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) 2, which was implemented early this year, would rectify the people’s negative perception of the level of safety in the country, said Deputy Home Minister Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop.  Abu Seman said the decreased crime index under GTP 1 last year exceeded the five percent target, recording 7.6 percent, while street crimes declined by 41.3 percent, almost meeting the initial aim of 45 percent.

“In terms of numbers, the decrease proves that we have achieved our target to reduce crime. But there seems to be a perception among some that it has not and also claims of unsafe environment.

“GTP 2 will focus on reducing house break-ins, car thefts, rehabilitating convicts in order to achieve less than 20 percent of recidivism and rehabilitating drug addicts,” he said at a press conference after launching the 1Aman United Against Crime campaign, here yesterday.


He added that GTP 2 would involve cooperation between the police, Malaysian Armed Forces, Rela, Civil Service Department and local communities.