Home Nation Pentarama a good platform to inform public of government efforts

Pentarama a good platform to inform public of government efforts


BELURAN, Feb 21 – Pentarama performances are a good platform for delivering information to the public and clarify current happenings, said Deputy Dewan Rakyat Speaker Datuk Ronald Kiandee(Pic).  Ronald, who is also Beluran Member of Parliament, said information should be delivered to the people in the fastest and most accurate way possible.

20061101-Ronald_Kiandee_2 (Custom) (1)“If not, there will be certain quarters who will use the opportunity for their personal and political interests,” he said in a speech when launching the district-level 1Malaysia Appreciation programme organised by the Sabah Information Department, here last night.

Therefore, he regarded agencies under the Information Communication and Culture Ministry as having a big responsibility in this matter. He said pentarama performances were one of the events in the 1Malaysia Appreciation programme that was not only informative but also entertaining. Besides providing entertainment, such performances fed the audience with information on policies and programmes carried out by the government, he added.
