Home Editor's Pick “Najib’s leadership is promising for Indians” – Dr Subra

“Najib’s leadership is promising for Indians” – Dr Subra


Kuala Lumpur, April 10 – Several Barisan Nasional leaders are continuously throwing their support behind Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak. In a press statement released yesterday, MIC Deputy President and Health Minister Dato Seri Dr S.Subramaniam has voiced his support for the Prime Minister, stating that under his leadership the future of Indians looks promising.

Dr-S.-Subramaniam“Najib is the first Prime Minister who has introduced 1 Malaysia concept which gave confidence  to people on Barisan Nasional Coalition. He is the one who has a heart for Indians. The moment Najib stepped in as a Prime Minister on 3rd April 2009 he apologized for his party’s previous errors. In his speech, he mentioned ‘ Past is past. I can transform Indian Community. Please trust me and join with me. For sure we can taste success together’” Subra pointed out.

Under Najib’s leadership focus was given to improve poor Indian’s Lifestyle, Education and Citizenship issues, Subra further said.


2 Ministers after 35 years

“After 35 years, Najib is the one who announced 2 Ministerial positions to represent Indian community.  It clearly showed Najib is concerned and listens to Indian community’s welfare and needs. He also formed and chaired a special cabinet committee to look after Indian community’s needs” said Subra who now chairs the The Special Indian Task Force (SITF) specifically established to tackle the problems faced by Indians .

Najib Tun RazakOn record some 6,590 Indians so far have been granted citizenship with the help of SITF.

“Najib has also initiated programs for the economic transformation of the Indians. He introduced SECRETARIAT FOR EMPOWERMENT OF INDIAN ENTREPRENUERS (SEED) underwhich RM 18 million has been allocated to help Indian entrepreneurs to start participating in business. In 2013 budget for the first time in history, 5 million riggit was allocated to train Indian students with low grades with skill based training courses.  He also introduced TUKAR and ATOM schemes to transform small grocery shops to the next level. We also should not forget Najib is the first PM who has allocated 2 billion Amanah Saham Satu Malaysia shares  specifically for Indians” Dr Subra noted in his press release.

Improving Tamil Schools

To tackle and improve Tamil schools in our country, PM allocated RM 10 Million in every year’s budget.  From 2009 to 2013 the Najib government has allocated RM 540 Million to restructure, relocate and renovate Tamil Schools in our country. Added to this 7 new Tamil Schools have been approved. SJKT Lunas Paya Besar,Kedah is the first of the seven new schools and is already operational.

“To improve the quality of Tamil School education, the PM has formed an Action Plan for the Future of Tamil Schools. A special officer was also assigned to the PM’s Department for this task. Najib is the first Prime Minister who gave approval to Indian Contractors to build Tamil Schools. He gave the approvals within his special powers” Subra said.

Higher Matriculation intake

“Within the current education system, PM increased matriculation intakes of Indian Students from 500 to 1500. Furthermore he has aided full scholarships to first top 100 Indian students from IPTA who managed to obtain first class degree to further their studies to postgraduate and doctorate levels. PM also disbursed RM 15,000 each to more than 500 poor Indian Students in private colleges under his 1MDB organization” Subra further highlighted.

“Najib has proven he is a true leader for all Malaysians. During his leadership several Hindu Temples were given funds to maintain and manage.  Till to date, more than 1300 temples have received more than 50 Million ringgit for renovations and restructuring. Najib also personally visited several Hindu temples all over the country, a practice which was not followed for more than last 30 years. Finally PM took initiatives to modernise Brickfields and created Little India which has given an Indian identity to this place” Subra concluded in his press statement.