Home English News Dr Subra praises Federal Court decision

Dr Subra praises Federal Court decision


subra-private-general practitioners-meet-sell-24072017 (2)Putra Jaya -In an immediate response to the Federal Court decision yesterday (29 January 2018) declaring that the unilateral conversion of Indira Gandhi’s children is null and void, MIC President Datuk Seri Dr S.Subramaniam, said MIC welcomes the decision and that the civil jurisdiction should continue to provide protection to religious rights.

The following is the full text of his press statement:

“The MIC is pleased and glad with the decision made by the Federal Court in confirming that the consent of both parents is needed to convert a minor.


By coming very clearly on the interpretation of the word parent as to mean “ both parents” this landmark decision has brought to and end the confusion and uncertainty caused to the families faced by the problems of unilateral conversion.

It has also brought to an end the distraught faced by mothers like Indira Gandhi whose children were virtually snatched from the arms of mothers in the name of religious conversion by errant husbands.

I sincerely hope that this decision along with the other ammendments to the Law Reform Act 1976 will complement each other in ensuring that “baby snatching”
episodes will become events of the historical past and the role of the civil jurisdiction in protecting the religious rights of non Muslim families will prevail.”