Home Nation OPS daulat continues, situation under control

OPS daulat continues, situation under control


LAHAD DATU, March 6- The search and mopping up operation to flush out Filipino armed terrorists in Kampung Tanduo, Felda Sahabat 17, near here continues today.  Bernama checks found the situation in Lahad Datu and Semporna are still
under control.

In Felda Sahabat, tighter control by security forces under the operation codenamed ‘Ops Daulat’ still taking effect within 10km radius of Kampung Tanduo. Local community in the Felda settlement, however, are going about their daily activities as usual.  Situation inn Lahad Datu town, about 130km from Kampung Tanduo, also remained calm and under control.

330x220xf5d66dd99b06854f422e0634f9183e77.jpg.pagespeed.ic.CHZkmI9RIfPolice roadblocks mounted along the road heading to Felda Sahabat have also been tightened.  Members of the media are also compelled to register their names to enter their areas, while all vehicles with excessive passengers were screened. Situation in Semporna also remained calm, with several sundry shops and restaurants are operating as usual.
