Home Lifestyle Does Fasting Help Lose Weight Quickly?

Does Fasting Help Lose Weight Quickly?


March 11,2013-We put on weight gradually but do not realise it instantly. But one fine day we see ourselves in the mirror and cannot believe our eyes. That is the day we wake up and decide that we must lose weight fast. But it is easy to put on weight, not to lose it. There are no quick fix ways to lose weight fast enough.

So if you want to rule out harmful and expensive methods like liposuctions, pills and so on, the only option left to us is fasting. In India, fasting is more than a way to lose weight; it is a religious practice to fast and then perform the puja rituals for the Hindu Gods. But several people vouch that they have lost weight by fasting regularly. Does this method of unhealthy dieting really work? Let us find out.

Starvation Mode


One of the main reasons why this method should be unsuccessful is that it sends your body into starvation weight. When you start fasting to lose weight, your body doesn’t know that you are just dieting. The body’s defence mechanism thinks that you are starving and starts conserving energy. Everything you eat is converted to fats and saved for the time when you will have no food. This means a painfully slow metabolic rate that will make you put weight instead of losing pounds.


Ruins Your Digestive System

Some people argue that starving is not just a way to lose weight fast, it is also a way to give your digestive system some rest. But that logic really doesn’t work. When you are fasting to lose weight, your digestive enzymes are not taking rest. The stomach secretes digestive enzymes that makes you feel hungry.

But when these enzymes get no food to digest, they start eroding the lining of your stomach. This leads to stomach ulcers that can even turn into cancer! Besides why should you give your digestive system a rest? Does your heart and circulatory system ever go for a vacation?

Temporary Weight Loss

Yes, you can lose weight by fasting relentlessly but it would not be healthy weight loss. Fasting will take a toll on your general health like your blood count, immunity and even your beautiful skin.

It will make your skin age faster and also lead to hairfall and grey hair. Weight lost due to an unhealthy diet has many implications. Moreover, when you lose weight by starving, your metabolic rate slows down and therefore, as soon as you stop fasting, you will put on weight again. So it has been proven with reasonable amount of facts that, fasting to lose weight is an unhealthy practice. If you still want to lose weight fast, use these dieting tips for a healthy weight loss.