Home Lifestyle Nutritional Benefits Of Jackfruit

Nutritional Benefits Of Jackfruit


Jackfruit is the seasonal fruit. Every street is filled with the aroma of this sweet fruit. The yellow coloured aromatic and tasty fruit is not just delicious, but healthy too. Jackfruit belongs to the mulberry family and is widely found in countries especially Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia. Consuming the sweet and juicy jackfruit is healthy due to its nutritional benefits. Jackfruit is a rich source of fiber, vitamins and proteins. Take a look at the nutritional benefits of jackfruit.

Nutritional benefits of jackfruit:

jack_fruitVitamin C: Jackfruit is a rich source of Vitamin C. This nutrient protects the body from bacterial infections, strengthens immune system and improves white blood cells functioning. If you are feeling fatigued, have jackfruit.


Phytonutrients: One of the nutritional benefit of jackfruit is, it fights cancer. The fruit contains phytonutrients namely lignans, isoflavones and saponins which has anti-cancer and anti-ageing properties. These phytonutrients reduces the cancer causing free radicals from the body and slows down degeneration of the cells.

Fiber: It is one of the nutritional as well as health benefits of jackfruit. The fruit is rich in dietary-fiber. Thus it improves digestion and bowel movements. The fiber also reduces the chances of colon problems. If you suffer from digestive and irregular bowel movements, have jackfruit. It is one of the natural remedies for digestive and stool related health problems.

Vitamin A: This healthy nutrient improves eye vision, improves hair quality and helps get a glowing skin. If you are spending lots of money on your face and hair, just include this fruit in your diet. This is the natural cure for beauty related problems.

No saturated fats: This is one of the health benefits of eating jackfruit. It is low in cholesterol and saturated fats. Heart patients must have this fruit in their diet as it protects you from cardiovascular diseases. As it is low in cals and fats, jackfruit boosts immune system. So, have this fruit to boost instant energy.

Potassium: Jackfruit contains potassium which is effective in reducing blood pressure levels. Magnesium: One of the nutritional benefits of jackfruit is, it strengthens bone. Magnesium absorbs calcium and prevents bone related diseases. These are few health and nutritional benefits of jackfruit.