Home English News Kuala Besut Poll : Police Detect Illegal Campaign

Kuala Besut Poll : Police Detect Illegal Campaign

KUALA BESUT, July 22- Police will not compromise with any group holding a ceramah without the necessary permit during the by-election for the Kuala Besut state seat.

kuala-besut-by-elecBesut OCPD Kamaruddin Mohd Zakaria, when issuing the warning, said the police had detected one mobile ceramah which was believed to have been carried out without a permit at the Kuala Besut Pasar Tani recently.

He said police had opened an investigation paper on the incident under Section 24b (3) of the Election Offences Act 1954.

He reminded those wishing to organise mobile campaigns at the night markets or wholesale market to apply for a licence beforehand so that police could monitor to ensure the smooth running of the ceramah.


Meanwhile, Kamaruddin said police had now discovered a new trend where party supporters were distributing pamphlets by the roadside which resulted in traffic jams.

He also said that police had received 15 applications for the ceramah permit to hold ceramah yesterday but only six were held while the rest were cancelled by the organisers at the last minute.