Home Nation Political parties appeciate sacrifice of security personnel

Political parties appeciate sacrifice of security personnel


KUALA LUMPUR, March 7 – MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek(pic) expressed his party’s gratitude to the police, armed foces and maritime authorities for ensuring the country’s security.

“We would like to pay tribute to the patriots of our nation who have fearlessly fought the armed intruders so that our honour and sovereignty is protected,” he said in reference to the intrusion by armed foreigners in Lahad Datu and Semporna, Sabah which has resulted in the deaths of eight police personnel.

PTJ03_260106_CHUA_TBPEfforts are currently ongoing to flush the invaders out  In a statement, Dr Chua conveyed MCA’s heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved families of “our heroes” who had sacrificed their lives so that other Malaysians were kept safe from the threat of the terrorists.


“MCA will donate RM2,000 to the families of each security personnel killed as a token of gratitude. Our hearts are with the families who are grieving over their loved ones who died in the battlefield while defending the nation,” he said.

He also took a swipe of politicians who used acts of terrorism by foreign forces to score political points. His sentiments were shared by MIC Youth whose president T.Mohan said the wing regretted that there were some quarters who were unappreciative of the sacrifices being made by the security forces to protect the country’s sovereignty.

He said the people should be aware that the police and armed forces also did not want the the intrusion to be settled by the shedding of blood.

“All Malaysians must be united and pray for the safety of the security personnel putting their lives at risk in confronting the terrorists in Sabah . Political differences should be set aside and wholehearted support must be given to our men in the police and the armed forces facing the enemy,” he said in a statement.

Meanwhile, the Malaysian Youth Council will be holding a campaign entitled  Belia Daulat from March 8 that will involve all states and districts in the country to show solidarity for the men protecting the nation’s sovereignty.

Its president Mohamed Maliki Mohamed Rapiee said among the contents of the campaign were holding special prayers according to each religion, a donation drive and distribution of blue Jalur Gemilang ribbons to symbolise unity.