Home Editor's Pick MIC: Saravanan-Devamany contest for Deputy President’s post! Will it take place?

MIC: Saravanan-Devamany contest for Deputy President’s post! Will it take place?


Saravanan-Devamany ComboKuala Lumpur – Last week, the Tamil media, in between their pages filled with stories on “Bersih 4.0” rallies, were trying to spruce-up a political story on MIC that a contest is brewing-up between MIC Vice-Presidents Datuk M.Saravanan and Datuk Seri S.K.Devamany for the post of Deputy President of MIC.

However, MIC circles did not show much interest in the story as the party is now busy preparing for the Divisional elections which are scheduled to take place from 18th to 27th of September 2015.

The electorate to elect the next Deputy President of MIC at the General Assembly comprises of CWC members, Divisional Chairmen and the divisional delegates to the general assembly.


MIC circles busy with divisional elections

MIC Logo 298 x 295The current division chairmen are busy now with their campaign strategies and negotiations with their respective division branch chairmen, as they will have to retain their respective positions. Keen contests are said to be brewing-up in some divisions.

Some divisions are without a head as some of the division chairmen are sticking their guns with Palanivel’s faction by not filing nominations and therefore there is a tussle among the branch chairmen to capture division head posts left vacant.

Many branch chairmen are also busy preparing for contests to become divisional delegates to the General Assembly, so that they can play a meaningful political role in electing their next line of national leaders of the party.

Therefore, naturally,  the focus on the contests for Deputy President, Vice Presidents and CWC will only shift to the minds of MIC’s rank and file once the divisional elections are over.

However, with no denial from Devamany as to the rumors that he will contest for Deputy Presidency, there is no doubt that a debate is slowly but surely raging among MIC circles whether a contest will really take place between the two leaders.

Saravanan – certain to go for Deputy Presidency

Saravanan - MIC -It is certain that Saravanan will not compromise for any other position other than Deputy Presidency. Having supported Dr Subramaniam in the leadership tussle against Palanivel he feels he is well entrenched in the party to stake a claim for the coveted post.

His position in government as a Deputy Minister and his well-grounded support in the party will be other additional factors in his favour to sail through in the event there is a contest.

The question now is whether Devamany is serious about contesting for the Deputy Presidency or will he settle down with his present position as Vice-President.

Devamany – will he go for Deputy Presidency?

sk-devamany-jan17-300x202Devamany was elected as one of the 3 Vice Presidents in the 2009 party elections along with Saravanan.

He lost his clout in the party when he lost in the Sungai Siput parliamentary election in 2013, having been moved there from his former constituency of Cameron Highlands where Palanivel himself contested and won.

In the Vice Presidential race in 2013 party elections, Devamany lost but Saravanan managed to win again as one of the 3 Vice-Presidents.

The 2013 party elections were subsequently declared null and void by the Registrar of Societies, a decision which re-instated both Devamany and Saravanan as Vice-Presidents, under the 2009 Interim CWC.

MIC sources said Devamany’s silence may contain a hidden strategy. He might be hoping that by keeping the rumors alive that he will contest for Deputy Presidency, he might be able to get more support from Saravanan’s supporters if he announces at the last minute that he is not taking on Saravanan but only settling for a Vice-President’s slot.

Having suffered a lost in 2013, and having worked closely with Saravanan in that party elections, Devamany may not be willing to take a political risk again by taking on Saravanan for Deputy Presidency.

Devamany is widely expected to win the Vice Presidency this year due to sympathies from delegates. He is also expected to earn substantial support from party President Dr Subra’s supporters as he stood by Dr Subra against Palanivel in the leadership tussle. His position as the Speaker of Perak State Assembly is also expected to bring support from Perak MIC, which has the second largest number of delegates to the general assembly.

MIC sources said Saravanan is too strong a candidate to take on at this stage for several reasons. Devamany is still said to be weighing his options before making an announcement.

The political haze which has engulfed MIC on the issue of contest for Deputy Presidency is expected to be cleared once the divisional elections are over by the 27th of September.

Even if Devamany decides to contest for Deputy Presidency some MIC sources point out that Dr Subramaniam will interfere and bring a compromise between the two, as the contest may further divide the party which is already fragmented because of the recent legal and political tussles.
