Home English News Dr Subra delivers talk on “The Transformation of Healthcare” in China!

Dr Subra delivers talk on “The Transformation of Healthcare” in China!


Dr Subra - China -Dalian (China) – MIC President and Health Minister Dato Seri Dr S.Subramaniam, attending a conference in Dalian, China, today delivered a talk on the transformation of Healthcare.

Dr Subra was invited to attend the World Economic Forum (WEF) 9th Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2015 (AMNC) from 9 to 10 September 2015 in Dalian, People’s Republic of China.

The theme for the WEF AMNC 2015 is “Charting a New Course for Growth”. A total of 1,500 participants from business, government, research and media from over 90 countries will join the meeting to discuss and debate breakthrough innovations with leading experts and technologists, engage with a new generation of business innovators and research pioneers and advance innovation, productivity and trust through public-private dialogue.


Today, Dr Subra delivered and addressed an interesting topic called “The Transformation of Healthcare” wherein he shared Malaysian experience, insights and knowledge on the drivers of transformation. The session focused on what are the shifts and uncertainties that shape the future of healthcare in the world.

Tomorrow, on the morning of 10 September 2015, Dr Subra will be presenting and moderating a session entitled “Building an ecosystem of partnerships to catalyze Health Systems Leapfrogging”.

In a press statement released through his office in Kuala Lumpur, Dr Subra said in this session he will be sharing his views on ecosystem of public-private partnerships in supporting innovations. He will also discuss public health impact, financial sustainability as well as the challenges of collaborating with other stakeholders.

In the afternoon session on the 10th September 2015, Dr Subra will participate in the “Health Summit at Dalian: Collaborating to Build Health-enabling Environments”.

As one of the presenters and panel member of the session, Dr Subra will share the insights on the future of Healthy project, multi-stakeholder approach and lessons learned from addressing environmental challenges.

Dr Subra also said that in addressing the session he will draw the attention of the participants on the priorities of governments and what can be done to ensure health-enabling environments in an emerging economy like Malaysia.