Home Editor's Pick NO MIC Elections in 2016 – CWC decides!

NO MIC Elections in 2016 – CWC decides!


mic-flag-Kuala Lumpur – MIC’s Central Working Committee (CWC) which met yesterday has decided to defer the party elections due this year. MIC sources said CWC unanimously decided in favour of the postponement with a view to prepare for the GE-14 which must be held before May 2018.

MIC elections are held once in three years according to the MIC Constitution and the last elections were held in 2013 under the leadership of Dato Seri G.Palanivel.

However, the 2013 elections were declared null and void by the Registrar of Societies (RoS) and the subsequent legal tussles resulted in Dato Seri Dr S.Subramaniam taking over the leadership of the party.


As per the directives of the RoS, the re-elections for MIC were held in November 2015.

Going by the MIC Constitution, since the 2015 elections were only re-elections of the year 2013, rightfully the next party elections should be held in 2016.

MIC sources said across the party’s rank and file, the prevailing sentiment is not to have the party elections this year as it will create another intense internal political battle and further divide the party.

The year-long party elections, if held this year would also deplete the party of their resources and energy which would be detrimental to their effective preparations for GE-14.

It would be also too soon to hold another election within a span of one year which would open-up old political wounds in the run-up to the election campaigns which could result in divisions within the party.

With the decision yesterday, MIC is expected to get the endorsement from the RoS for their decision and then the whole party machinery is expected to gear-up towards the goal of preparing for the GE-14, to win the support of the Indian community in favour of Barisan Nasional.