Home English News MIC calls voters to reject both PAS & Amanah

MIC calls voters to reject both PAS & Amanah


Kuala Lumpur – MIC President Datuk Seri Dr S.Subramaniam in a press statement released today called on voters in Sungei Besar and Kuala Kangsar to reject both PAS and Amanah as these parties have been proposing extremist religious policies which are not consistent with multiracial Malaysia.

Subramaniam-MIC“PAS has declared its intention in no uncertain terms of wanting to implement Islamic laws including Hudud. MIC has been very consistent in its objection to this. This political philosophy of PAS is totally inconsistent with the multiracial and multi-religious Malaysia in which we live. It is also not in line with the Constitution which formed the basis of the birth of this nation” said Dr Subramaniam.

“We have been informing the Indian Community in both the bye elections to reject religious extremism. The DAP is also responsible for emboldening PAS in PRU13 when leaders of both parties shared the same stage and underplayed Hudud. In a way they misled Malaysians in the elections into believing Hudud will not be implemented in Malaysia. DAP knew the real nature of PAS, yet decided to play this dangerous game purely for selfish political expediency. Consequently many moderate leaders lost to candidates with more extremist stands with the support of Chinese votes. The DAP cannot now deny its role in this. That has emboldened PAS into moving its long held agenda” Subramaniam further said in his press statement.


PAS Logo“Now DAP has a new sleeping partner. Amanah is a slightly mutated gene of PAS. The fundamental structure is the same for both these parties. DAP is now courting Amanah passionately. Will the Chinese be misled again?” asked Subra.

Subra also pointed out that till date there has been no objection from Amanah about Hudud. “We in MIC and other component parties of BN have very clearly stated our stand on Hudud. We will continue our fight against it. We have very clearly stated that if all our efforts fail and if we can’t stop implementation of Hudud then some of us will resign from the Cabinet. I still believe good sense will prevail and we can prevent this nation from going into this dangerous track. We will use the spirit of consensus within the Barisan Nasional to ensure the spirit enshrined within the constitution is honored and upheld”

Subra also urged the voters to reject PAS in both the constituencies as rejection of PAS is rejection of Hudud.