Home English News New iOS 10.2: More features and fewer security issues

New iOS 10.2: More features and fewer security issues


apple-iphone-iosApple has released a new iOS version for iPhones, iPads and the iPod touch. iOS 10.2 offers various smaller improvements and around 100 new emojis. It also addresses some critical security issues.

Users should install the update quickly, the German Office for Security in Information Technology (BSI) recommends. Here are the most important changes at a glance:

  • Security: iOS 10.2 closes some vulnerabilities. This includes an issue with manipulated security certificates, which can be delivered via the mail app or Safari browser, for instance. As news website “Heise Online” reports, the update should also make it impossible to gain unauthorized access to photos or contacts despite a password lock. It also takes care of a problem with manipulated videos: They will no longer get the power to cripple smartphones and tablets when being played.
  • Smaller enhancements: Star ratings can now be added to songs in Apple Music again, while the Photos app should be able to remember selected settings. There are new background effects for iMessage users, and Bluetooth connections are also expected to be more stable after the update. Also new are 100 fresh emojis on various topics, such as professions, animals or food.
  • Installation: The shortest route to iOS 10.2 takes you to the settings, then “General” and “Software update.” But there’s another way: The update can also be installed using the synchronization software iTunes after the phone has been connected to a computer via its cable. iOS 10.2 is available for the iPhone 5, the iPad 4 and the sixth-generation iPod touch or later.
