Home English News Zahid Hamidi commended for bold stand on Zakir Naik

Zahid Hamidi commended for bold stand on Zakir Naik


Vell PaariKuala Lumpur -_MIC Treasurer General Datuk Seri S.Vel Paari (pic) commended Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi for his bold stand on extradition of Zakir Naik to India.

In a press statement released today, Vel Paari said: “I refer to a recent statement issued by the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi who confirmed that the government will send Zakir Naik back India if the government of India submits an extradition request via the Mutual Legal Assistance Program between the two (2) governments. However, it has to be noted that as of today, there have not been any application from India to extradite Zakir Naik. In addition, the Deputy Prime Minister have also confirmed that Zakir Naik is not a Malaysia citizen, contrary to earlier reports in the Indian media. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Deputy Prime Minister for taking this bold stand in confirming that the government will extradite Zakir Naik if there is a request from the Indian government. This also dispels the notion that the government is purposely harbouring Zakir Naik in Malaysia and away from the Indian authorities as alleged by the opposition leaders of this country”

zahidhamidicitizen1606Vel Paari also noted this also proves the Barisan Nasional government is committed in ensuring that the multi-racial and multi – religious society in Malaysia live in harmony and peace without any animosity between one another. “Zakir Naik has been proven to be a polarizing figure where he divides the people of this country along religious lines and this is not good for a multi – racial and multi – religious country like Malaysia. Sending him back to India will stop and reduce the tension in this country” Vel Paari further said.


zakir-naik“The announcement by the Deputy Prime Minister also shows that the government takes into consideration the opinion and feelings of the the minorities in this country, especially the Hindu community with respect to the issue of Zakir Naik. The government has proven that the most important thing for the government is racial harmony and no one is above this, not even Zakir Naik. The peace and stability in Malaysia is of paramount importance to the government. I would like to thank the Deputy Prime Minister for this announcement and also for taking into consideration the opinion and feelings of the Hindu community in Malaysia” Vel Paari stated in his press statement.