Home English News “Desperate Waytha starting his stunts again” – MIC hits back!

“Desperate Waytha starting his stunts again” – MIC hits back!


V.S.Mohan_Kuala Lumpur – “Hindraf Leader, Waythamoorthy is at his acrobatics once again. His modus operandi is purely to undermine BN/ MIC and to make a re-entry into politics after being sidelined and boycotted by his own members and fellow leaders” MIC Information chief Datuk V.S.Mogan (pic) said.

“He is now begging Tun Dr Mahathir for a seat to contest in the upcoming General Elections. He is trying vigorously to convince Tun Mahathir that he is able to gather Indian votes towards Pakatan Harapan. Maybe, Mahathir who himself is desperate will fall prey into this sore loser’s trap” Mogan said in a press statement releleased today.

Waythamoorthy“Waytha is undoubtedly threatened by PM’s Malaysian Indian Blueprint initiative and has started launching baseless allegations to belittle PM’s sincere attempts to uplift the Indian community’s socio-economic status. He conveniently forgot that he completed his studies by using MIC’s scholarship” Mogan pointed out in his statement.


“After 10 years in existence, Hindraf has not significantly contributed anything for the development of Indians in this country. He is just busy with political simmering and condemning MIC. Waytha’s leadership has been doubted by many and Hindraf has for long lost its luster. To say that MIC has syphoned all funds allocated by government is totally unacceptable. The funds distributed by government are channeled through departments that are being strictly monitored by the Prime Minister’s Office. Every single cent out is being audited and accounted for. The onus is on Waytha to proof his allegations against MIC, which he will never be able to” Mogan said in his statement.

hindraf-logo-“Our PM is sincere with his intentions to assist the Indians. All plans have been drawn out meticulously and just that it has to be implemented phase by phase. Nothing can be done over night. The Malaysian Indians have faith in PM and will throw full support for him in the coming GE. Waytha was given an opportunity to deliver to the Indian community when he was made a Deputy Minister. He should gave seized that opportunity and delivered. What did he do? The sincere answer is that he did nothing” Mogan further noted.

Mogan also said it is easy to criticise but questioned whether Hindraf has delivered any of its promises.

“From the great cases in the UK to the trillions promised, where is the delivery? All other Hindraf leaders sacrificed and in many ways suffered, Waytha chose to be a globe trotter only to return back with assistance of unseen hands to strike a political deal with BN and a government post for himself. Even that can be accepted in politics but the tragedy is that he did not deliver anything despite being given that opportunity. Enough Waytha, you were the fiercest critic of Tun Mahathir at one time and you considered him as the source of all evils..Now he is the best of the leaders and a great friend to you. So much for you and your principles” Mogan slammed.