Home India Three trains from India for Sri Lanka’s Northern Railway Line

Three trains from India for Sri Lanka’s Northern Railway Line


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30 March 2013-India has supplied three new locomotives to Sri Lanka to be used in the Northern Railway Line that is being constructed by an Indian company.

The three trains built in India’s diesel locomotive workshop in Varanasi, have arrived at the Colombo Port to speed up the Northern Railway Project, the Sri Lankan government announced recently. Another three trains for the Northern Line are expected to arrive in Colombo from India shortly.


The locomotives are being supplied to Sri Lanka Railways as part of the ongoing Northern railway reconstruction projects funded by India.

This railway line project covering over 250 kilometers in length is being funded as part of US$ 800 million line of credit extended by the Indian government.

The construction work on the 252-kilometer long Northern Railway Line is carried out by the Indian state owned Indian Railway Construction Company Limited (IRCON).

According to the government, the new track is designed using modern technology to sustain a speed up to 120 kmph with smooth and comfortable riding quality.

The Northern Railway Line from Vavuniya to Kankasanthurai was completely destroyed by the terrorist activities of Tamil Tiger rebels when the region was under the terrorist group’s control.

The line has been restored now from Vavuniya to Omanthai and trains are being operated up to Omanthai at present.