Home English News Swami Ramaji denied entry into Parliament due to Hindu Saffron attire

Swami Ramaji denied entry into Parliament due to Hindu Saffron attire


Kuala Lumpur – Sea Field Sri Maha Mariamman Temple Task Force Chairman Swami Ramaji was today denied entry into Parliament because he was in a Hindu saffron attire. Swami Ramaji and 4 more members of his team were invited by Unity Minister P. Waythamoorthy for a meeting at Parliament today at 6.00pm.

This meeting is believed to be a follow up meeting of the protests held at Parliament premises yesteday.

A memorandum seeking the intervention of the Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir in the Seafield Temple saga was handed over to the respective officials at the Parliament yesteday.


Today, the security personal at the Parliament entrance denied Swami Ramaji from entering into Parliament premises because he was not properly attired.

Attempts by Swami Ramaji to contact the minister (Waytha Moorthy) was not successful as the minister did not pick up Swami Ramaji’s phone call. According to Swami Ramaji, a private secretary to the Minister was unable to convince the security guards.

In return the secretary suggested that the meeting with Waytha Moorthy be held at a Restaurant or a hotel but the request was turned down by the Sea Field Temple Task Force members.

They informed the minister to meet them at the Temple instead.
According to Swami Ramaji he has visited parliament many times including attending a meeting with former PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. On those occasions Swami Ramaji had no problem entering Parliament.

Swami Ramaji said Indian leaders and Ministers such as Waytha Moorthy should make attempts to solve simple issues such as what happened today (denial of entry into Parliament because of Hindu Swamiji attire) before embarking on other severely complicated community issues affecting Indian and Hindus.

Later, the task force of Sea Field Temple held a press conference at the temple premises.