Home Lifestyle Breathing Exercises To Do At Office Desk

Breathing Exercises To Do At Office Desk


3 April 2013-It could be the endless deadlines, a client meeting, a crisis management or just the work pressure that could be eating you up. Breathe easy! Yes, breathing is the simplest and the best antidote to beat the stress blues.

Breathing exercises are an easy way out to control emotions and anxiety at any point. It is important to know the right breathing techniques and incorporate them at work to relieve yourself of unwanted stress that manifests in different ways. Let us look at a few breathing exercises that will help you relax and refresh your mood at your work place-

x02-yoga.jpg.pagespeed.ic.lkyP0WYY3hPranayama- It means the extension of breath. Alternate nostril breathing also known as anulom/vilom or nadi shodhan pranayama in intervals of 7, 11 and 21 is best recommended at work as it not only de-stress but also supplies oxygen to the entire blood stream.


Inhale- hold-exhale breathing- This method is effective for people with high anxiety and stress levels. In this exercise you inhale deeply for 5 counts, hold your breath for 4 counts and exhale for 6 counts. This breathing exercise is not advisable for people with heart related problems.

Relaxation deep breathing- This involves taking a deep breath right from the bottom of your abdomen (you can feel the air passing through your lungs and stomach) and let it out through your nose counting 5 seconds. This is a very effective breathing exercise for relaxing any cramps or pains that are associated with seating positions in the office desk.

Kapalabhati– The best way to get rid of toxins in your body is through kapalabhati. Start with a slow inhale from the nose, followed by a quick and rapid exhale from the abdomen. Repeat this for 9-10 times twice a day. Pregnant woman and woman with uterine problems must not try this breathing exercise at office desk or at home.

Equal breathing– Balancing the breath comes with perfect diaphragm control. To balance the breath you must keep breathing deeply as often as you can and put the toxic out. To start with, inhale and exhale for a count of four each. This must be done through the nose and lungs which brings great flexibility to the diaphragms and synchronises the breathing. This calms the entire nervous system thereby cooling the body naturally and relieving stress.

Bhramari pranayam/bee breathing- It may sound funny to your colleagues, however the bee breathing exercise is known for its calming effects immediately. Close your mouth but relax your jaws. Take a deep breath from the lungs and as you exhale hum the sound ‘ma’ or ‘m’ kara like the buzzing bee can be heard on a low tone for 2-3 minutes. This is also helpful for people with paralysis, migraines, sinus and pregnant women.

Visualised breathing- This breathing technique involves an audio/visual tutorial or a therapist who explains each breathing technique on the go, replacing good and positive thoughts with negative and stressful thoughts. You could do this breathing exercise at office desk or peacefully at home.