Home English News BN provides GE13 media centre at PWTC

BN provides GE13 media centre at PWTC


ab raofKUALA LUMPUR, April 4 – Media personnel can now obtain the latest information on the 13th general election (GE13) and do their work at the GE13 Media Centre provided by Barisan Nasional at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) beginning today.

UMNO executive secretary Datuk Ab Rauf Yusoh(pic) said the Media Centre, located at the Kuala Lumpur room, Level 5, PWTC, would be open from 9am until 2am every day until the conclusion of the GE13.

“We have equipped our Media Centre with the latest facilities and information which will also enable the people to receive the latest information,” he told Bernama.


Besides internet facilities, the Media Centre also provides a working area capable of accommodating more than 70 media representatives at any one time and a press conference room. The Media Centre also provides food and refreshments to the media personnel.