Home Lifestyle Health Benefits Of Chickpeas/Channa

Health Benefits Of Chickpeas/Channa


5 April 2013-Anyone who has tried the hummus, tahini, falafel and the delightful channa masala know that they are a byproduct of the powerhouse legume- chickpeas. They are also known as Garbanzo beans that originated from the Middle East in Turkey. chickpeas was known to be a staple food in Spain, Iran, Persia and Istanbul.

Although a tad high on carbohydrates, they sure wont tick the calorie clock and add weight on your body. Chickpeas hve many health benefits as they are dense in fiber, protein and other micro-nutrients. A bowl of chickpeas can keeps your tummy full for at least 5 hours. You can add chickpeas to salads, pasta, rice and also use it as a hair conditioner by grinding it into a paste.

Let us have a look at a few health benefits of chickpeas (channa)-


04-chickpeasMolybdenum– This is a mineral which controls excess sulfites in the body. Chickpeas are an excellent source of molybdenum about 165%. Excess sulfite in the body can cause headache, heat palpitation and fatigue. Molybdenum regulates the Sulphur compounds and also cleanses the liver helping it function effectively.

Protein- They are the building blocks of our body. Chickpeas have 12-15 gms of protein per serving, which is more than that of cereals.

Reduces cholesterol- Chickpeas help in lowering blood cholesterol by combining with bile juices in the intestine. This prevents the absorption of cholesterol by the liver. They are known to drastically reduce LDL or bad cholesterol.

Folic acid– The folates or folic acid present in chickpeas are very helpful for expectant mothers as it helps prevent spinal injury and also helps in developing the brain of the foetus.

Controls diabetes- Chickpeas control and regulate the blood sugar level with their special property of preventing Dyslipidemia, a disorder which occurs due to the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, exceeds the normal level.

Manganese- The micro-nutrients like manganese and copper are essential for the even flow of blood. Chickpeas are a great source of manganese which helps regulate the body temperature and endocrine glands.

Fiber– A bowl of chickpeas has about 28 grams of fiber which helps in the effective functioning of colon, thereby preventing colon cancer and constipation.

Phosphorous and iron– Chickpeas have 27 and 29% of recommended daily allowance of phosphorous and iron respectively. This not only increases the blood cells but also improves haemoglobin and cleans the kidneys of excess salts.