Home Nation Get ‘Undi Pru13’ apps for free on your androids or Apple Smartphones

Get ‘Undi Pru13’ apps for free on your androids or Apple Smartphones


GE13-SMARTPKUALA LUMPUR, April 8- Information on the 13th General Election will be made more accessible with a smartphone app created specifically to cater the needs of the new tech-savvy generations.  Created by a local app developer, Appandus Sdn Bhd, the app called ‘UndiPRU13’ could now be downloaded via Google playstore or Apple app store for

According to the company website, the app would enable users to get information on the location of a constituency, previous member of Parliament, State Assemblymen and election results since March 2008.  The app could even set a reminder on the ‘Ceramah’ events, said the website. Compiled from the Election Commission and Wikipedia, the app would also update users on the important dates related to the upcoming election and the campaigns.

“Users would also be able to get info on all 727 constituencies and their location tagged, all incumbents tagged with their parties, flexible search on any key word like name, constituency id, party name, state, Parliament or State Assembly seats,” it said. They could also share results, news or info via Facebook, Twitter or e-mail, it added.
