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Latest sex video may backfire, says don


14 April 2013-The latest sex video, this time allegedly featuring PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali is unlikely to influence voters but may instead backfire on Umno, says University Malaya Centre for Democracy and Elections (Umcedel) director Mohammad Redzuan Othman (below).

NONE“The previous sex videos were all published by blogs that were pro-Umno.

“The same is with the latest video which first originated from pro-Umno blogs,” he toldMalaysiakini when contacted.


This, he said, would only solidify the public’s view that Umno perpetrated the making of these videos.

As such, it was important for Umno to promptly issue a statement condemning such videos to distance itself from the publishers.

He pointed out that according to Umcedel’s survey, only 18 to 21 percent of voters believed the previous sex video supposedly of PKR de facto leader  Anwar Ibrahim and another one allegedly of PKR deputy president Azmin Ali were genuine.

Based on this, he expects a similar trend among voters in the latest video.

Four witnesses required in Islam

Meanwhile, Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (Abim) president Amidi Abdul Manan said according to accusation of qadhf law (law on accusing someone of illicit sex) in Islam, four witnesses are required to back a claim of adultery.

NONE“Only the ignorant or lacking in knowledge in Islam will be torn (about the video).

“The need for four witnesses has been decided by prominent religious scholars such as Sheikh Wahbah Zuhaili and Yusof Qaradhawi,” Amidi (left) said when contacted.

He also urged Muslims not to circulate the video or have anything to do with it on social media. It was reported yesterday that pro-Umno blogs had released a video, supposedly of a man who looked like Mustafa having sex with an unidentified woman.

Mustafa had blamed Umno for the video and claimed to be a victim of the party’s “dirty tactics and lies”.