Home English News BN to approach fence sitters to clarify issues

BN to approach fence sitters to clarify issues


Muhyideen-Yassin-SliderMUAR, Jan 25 — The Barisan Nasional (BN) will use the time left before the general election to explain and clarify current issues to fence sitters so that they would not be deceived by the opposition.

BN deputy chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said with the political crisis faced by the opposition pact and the lies spread by them, many voters were confused to the extent that they did not know which party to support.

“This normally happens whether in by-elections or the general election where some of the voters refuse to state their stand or have yet to make a decision. In politics, these voters are categorised as fence sitters. It’s not that they are sitting on a fence, because during the election they will choose A or B or any political party. In a situation when the opposition is facing a political crisis and is resorting to lies, the voters will be confused,” he said.


Muhyiddin disclosed this to reporters after attending the Pagoh Overseas Umno Club’s MyAid Programme 2012 at the Sekolah Panjang Sari Hall, here today, which was also attended by his wife, Puan Seri Noorainee Abdul Rahman.

Muhyiddin, who is also the Deputy Prime Minister, said this when commenting on the study carried out by University of Malaya’s Study Centre for Democratic Elections (UMCDEL) on the issue of fence sitters.

He said that the existence of a negative social media had also resulted in a confusion and as such, the BN would address the problem by making clarifications.

“We will give clarifications if there are certain issues which they don’t understand especially as the general election is fast approaching and causing more people to be confused. This is because one group will say something, while another group will say semething else.

“Many will not understand as they may not have enough information and are easily influenced. That’s why in the next few months, BN will try to provide information and clarifications to them,” he said.

Muhyiddin also said there were significant differences of opinion among the opposition especially concerning several major issues such as the use of the term ‘Allah’ which showed that they did not have a common stand.