Home English News ‘Swarna Samaroha’– Special Odissi performance by troupe of Guru Dr. Gajendra Panda

‘Swarna Samaroha’– Special Odissi performance by troupe of Guru Dr. Gajendra Panda


On the eve of the 78th Independence Day of India and as part of Bharat Week celebrations, the High Commission of India and Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Indian Cultural Centre (NSCBICC) organized ‘Swarna Samaroha’– Special Odissi performance by visiting troupe of Guru Dr. Gajendra Panda and his disciples on 14th August 2024 at Shantanand Auditorium, Temple of Fine Arts, Brickfields.

YB Dato’ Ramanan Ramakrishnan, Deputy Minister of Entrepreneur & Cooperatives Development graced the occasion as Chief Guest. The event was also attended by more than 350 guests including the High Commissioner of India H.E. Mr. B.N. Reddy and his spouse, Dato Ramli Ibrahim, Chairman of Sutra Foundation, Tan Sri Ms. Mazlan Othman,Trustee, Sutra Foundation,  Datuk Rosalind Ganendra, CEO of Ganendra Ahmad and Associates, Mr. Shanmugam Mookan, Special Duties Officer to the Honorable Prime Minister of Malaysia, Ambassadors/High Commissioner and senior officials of several diplomatic Missions in Kuala Lumpur, representatives of Indian cultural and community organizations and schools and academic institutions in Malaysia.

During the event, Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR)-sponsored musical instruments (including Tabla, Mridangam, Sitar, Veena, Tanpura, Harmonium, Pakhawaj, Violin, etc.) were presented to prominent Indian cultural associations and artists in Malaysia. The representatives/students of these associations also graced the occasion.


Guru Dr. Gajendra Panda and his disciples gave a mesmerizing performance of Odissi Dance Presentation ‘Prahallad’ – a special production and the result of life long research by Guru Dr. Gajendra Panda on Odissi dance and its deep-rooted connections with the folk dances of Odisha. The production is an amalgamation of Odissi dance with the rich folk theatre of Ganjam – Prahallad Natak. The performance was marked by fluid grace, immaculate body movements with amazing precision and charming gestures and postures. The performance was greatly appreciated and applauded by the dignitaries and guests.

On 12th August, the group performed at the TSVCC (Tun Samy Vellu Convention Centre), Sungai Siput, Perak. The performance was arranged by Greentown Indian Cultural Society in collaboration with Majlis Kebudayaan Negeri, Perak. YB Kesavan Subramaniam, Member of Parliament, Sungai Siput graced the occasion as Chief Guest. The performance was well-received.