Home English News The Hair and Skin Benefits of Pumpkin

The Hair and Skin Benefits of Pumpkin


KUALA LUMPUR, JUNE 10- Pumpkin is a year round vegetable but is found abundantly in the Fall.

They are used for Halloween, the pies are a must for some households for Thanksgiving,  they are very popular in soups in winter and they are everywhere in the farmers market in the latter part of the year.

Pumpkin Seed Big MaxThe beauty about pumpkins is that they can last for up to six months when bought whole, and it is sold in a can in those months when you can’t get it.   So this is one vegetable that is good for you that you can find in most countries of the world easily.   And that is good, because pumpkin is very good for the body.   Brightly colored fruits and vegetables are usually extremely useful for the body and pumpkin is loaded with the good things.  It contains vitamin A, alpha and beta-carotenes, vitamins C, K, and E, and minerals, including magnesium, potassium, and iron.


How is pumpkin good for the hair and skin when applied externally?   Well…vitamin A is extremely good for the scalp, if you search any commercial beauty mixture you will find that synthetic vitamin A is added to a lot of products.  Pumpkin is rich in vitamin A and when you use it directly,  you get all the natural goodness from it straight from the source.   Like banana and avocado, pumpkin is another rich source of potassium and this nutrient is especially useful in promoting the re-growth of hair.   This makes pumpkin one of the vegetables for hair loss.

Pumpkin is especially good for moisturizing dry or damaged hair.   Because our hair is especially dry I think this should be a vegetable that should be included in our hair and facial regimens.

Pumpkin is also good as a skin treatment,  if your skin is oily, the moisturizing effects of pumpkin can be toned down with some apple cider vinegar.   Here are two recipes that can be used on the hair and on the face using pumpkin.