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New law must not include detention without trial


zahidPETALING JAYA, JULY 5- DAP National Legal Bureau chairman Gobind Singh Deo said the new set of laws to replace the Emergency Ordinance (EO) must not include detention without trial.

The Puchong MP also urged Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to show the draft before asking the opposition to take part in the discussions concerning the new law.

This came after a statement made by Zahid that he would welcome new ideas and suggestions from everyone including opposition leaders and non-governmental organisations.


“The home minister must assure us that the proposed laws do not provide for detention without trial before asking us to participate in future discussions,” he said in a press statement.

gobind_250_250Gobind said the DAP welcomed suggestions for reform and ideas to improve the nation’s criminal justice system but would never support such laws open to serious abuse of human rights.

“DAP has made it clear from the very outset that we will not support nor participate in any discussion involving laws which provide for detention without trial.

“They are against basic human rights practice which is protected and guaranteed in our Federal Constitution,” he said. Meanwhile, the first draft of the special preventive law similar to the Emergency Ordinance is now with the Attorney-General’s chambers.

Zahid said the announcement would be made once they had gone through the first draft.