Home Business Astro Radio To Expand Coverage In Sarawak, Sabah

Astro Radio To Expand Coverage In Sarawak, Sabah


MIRI, Aug 21 – Astro Radio Sdn Bhd today reaffirmed its commitment to expand coverage in Sarawak and Sabah to ensure that more local listeners tune in to its variety of music channels.

astro-free-decoder-r-2014521718“Astro aims to expand its coverage throughout Malaysia, including Sabah and Sarawak. Listeners can, therefore, look forward to more music choices with the presence of the Astro Radio station,” it said in a statement to Bernama here.

The statement was released in conjunction with the official launch of the expansion of coverage of Era FM, hitz.fm and MY FM in Miri City on Saturday.


On Monday, Sarawak and Sabah Astro Radio content manager Syazleey Zalysam, better known as DJ Uno, was quoted as saying that Astro Radio was studying the possibility of expanding the coverage in Sibu, Sarawak, but only after a thorough market study.

Astro Radio has been in operation in Sarawak since 2010. In Sabah, its transmission covers Kota Kinabalu and Sandakan.