Home English News 2.3 Million Foreign Works Must Have i-Kad By Year-end – Ahmad Zahid

2.3 Million Foreign Works Must Have i-Kad By Year-end – Ahmad Zahid



Putrajaya, Jan 9 – Some 2.3 million foreign workers must have the i-Kad, latest by the year-end, in a move to solve the problem of illegal immigrants in the country.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the i-Kad would be issued in stages according to the sectors and colour codes.


He said the i-Kad had high-technology security features such as biometric fingerprints, Nexcode and contactless chip.

“The employers or workers will have to apply for the card at RM110. The people’s money will not be used for this.

“The Home Ministry will not compromise with those foreign workers who don’t have an I-Kad,” he told reporters after the launching of the Foreign Workers i-Kad, here, Thursday.

Percetakan Nasional Malaysia Berhad (PNMB) has been appointed to supply the I-Kad. The use of I-Kad was enforced on Nov 15, last year.

Ahmad Zahid said the I-Kad would ease detecting foreign workers in 10 sectors in the country and avoid forgery while other security features would be upgraded in the second phase.

Meanwhile, Ahmad Zahid warned operators of conventional and online gambling to stop their illegal activities before police intensify Ops Dadu.

“Ops Dadu had been held all this while but we will intensify the operations. The date will be announced this month. We are in the final phase of training a special squad for the operations,” he said.

It was reported in a tabloid today that 200 police personnel were being given special training to raid all gambling premises nationwide.

– Bernama