Home English News Three MIC veterans honoured with ‘Lifetime Achievement Awards

Three MIC veterans honoured with ‘Lifetime Achievement Awards

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KUALA LUMPUR,Feb17- Three MIC veterans were Sunday honoured with ‘Lifetime Achievement Awards’ for their contributions and sacrifice to the country’s Indian community.

The awards ceremony organised by the Federal Territory Kuala Lumpur Indian Association were presented by MIC president Datuk Seri G. Palanivel to Toh Puan Umasundari Sambanthan, 85, Puan Sri Janaki Athinahapan, 89 and Tan Sri Dr Devaki Krishnan, 81.Calling the women “living legends”, Palanivel expressed hope that other women would view the three recipients as role models and strive for a better life and other achievements.

“This is truly a big acknowledgement of their contributions. I hope they will always be blessed with longevity,” he told reporters after the ceremony here.


Devaki has the distinction of being the first woman to be elected to public office in Malaysia when she won a seat in the municipal council of Kuala Lumpur in 1952.

In her remarks at the event, Devaki said she was sad to see conflicts in MIC.

“Years ago we were like brothers and sisters, and we wouldn’t condemn each other. It’s my hope that MIC members will stay united so that you can bring more Indians into the party,” she said.

Umasundari, wife of MIC’s fifth president Tun V.T. Sambanthan, was well known for her efforts in championing the status of children and women, especially those in rural areas.

She was however, not present at Sunday’s event.

Janaki, on her part, helped John Aloysius Thivy establish the party in 1946, with the latter becoming its first president.