Home Editor's Pick Priyanka has a lot of things in common with her grandmother Indira...

Priyanka has a lot of things in common with her grandmother Indira Gandhi, says Archana Dalmia!


priyanka-indiraNew Delhi, April 29 – Anyone who has seen the late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and then turned to look at her granddaughter, Priyanka Gandhi, is bound to do a double take because of the striking resemblance between them.

And the resemblance does not end at how Priyanka’s hair is like Indiraji’s or how her sharp nose is just like her grandmother’s. There is this vibrant ring of electricity that both women exude. Their aura makes the air crackle and no one can remain unaffected.

Ask anyone who has worked with Indiraji or those who attended her public meetings – they will tell you how her charisma was unfailing and how she swept away large numbers with a single gesture or word.


When Indiraji spoke, she mesmerised. When she walked she left behind her a wake so strong that the tallest of leaders stepped aside. The way Indiraji dealt with people, be it in office or on the roads, using her gut to connect with them, was a science in itself.

Priyanka is blessed with the same genetic personality. She is strident, walks tall, with large steps, is graceful and extremely engaging. Ask the people who have met her and heard her, the people who matter – the ones in the villages and small towns of India, what they think of her.

Some liken her to Ma Durga, the way they spoke of her grandmother, some say she is utterly engaging and warm, some find her easy to talk to and all of them simply love her.

Priyanka is absolutely adored. Her behaviour and demeanour is perfect and goes down well with the common man. When she speaks, it’s from the heart and she comes across as sincere and honest. Her communication is not just skilled, it is natural. The language she uses is simple and effective.

That she is a loving mother, wife, sister and daughter adds to her charm. There is a glow of fulfilment on her face. Simply being around her bathes people in her glow.

All it takes is her characteristic smile. She is a born leader, and it does not take rocket science to understand that. Look at her lineage! Look at her mother, Sonia Gandhi, her father Rajivji and all the way up to her great-grandfather.

Priyanka is like a breath of fresh air in this jaded political environ that we see today. Maybe her degree in psychology helps her to connect with people. Maybe it’s just in her genes.