Home English News GERAKAN meeting within 2 weeks to decide on Teluk Intan by-election

GERAKAN meeting within 2 weeks to decide on Teluk Intan by-election


PARTI GERAKAN RAKYAT MALAYSIAKUALA LUMPUR, May 2 — In the next two weeks, Gerakan will hold a meeting to discuss the Teluk Intan by-election, on whether the party would contest or otherwise. Party president Datuk Mah Siew Keong (pic) said the issue would be discussed thoroughly.

“As far as the party is concerend, we have not made any decision on the matter as (DAP) MP (member of parliament) Seah Leong Peng passed away yesterday,” he told Bernama today, when contacted.

Seah, 48, died of cancer at the Universiti Malaya Medical Centre about 7.30am.


His death paves the way for the sixth by-election since last year’s general election (GE) on May 5.

At the GE, Seah defeated Mah with a 7,313 majority.