Home English News Four things Venkaiah Naidu said that tickled the bone!

Four things Venkaiah Naidu said that tickled the bone!


Venkaiah NaiduNew Delhi, May 30 – Parliamentary Affairs Minister Venkaiah Naidu held a press conference on Thursday to unveil the Prime Minister’s plan on governance. Answering questions from the media on the PM’s Cabinet meeting, Naidu tickled the funny bone quite a few number of times, astutely dodging the bullets from the media that wanted to grill him on other matters.

When asked by a reporter: “Have you zeroed-in on some name for Speaker?” “We are not zeroing anyone,” said the BJP leader, offering no comments on Sumitra Mahajan, an MP from Indore, who’s being touted for the post.

“When will Narendra Modi shift to his residence at 7 Race Course Road?” asked another reporter. “I can only give residences to ministers, not to the Prime Minister,” said Naidu, who also holds the post of Urban Development Minister. Using this opportunity, he also requested UPA ministers “to vacate their residences as soon as possible.”


A journalist kept asking questions reminding the leader of BJP’s election manifesto, in spite of the press secretary’s repeated request to the media to stick to questions related to the Cabinet meeting on Thursday.

“What did the prime minister say on rising prices?” he asked. “It’s common sense. Curbing inflation is one of our main priorities. That’s the reason we are talking governance and delivery,” quipped Naidu.