Home English News Brad Pitt buys $37,000 bike for stuntman!

Brad Pitt buys $37,000 bike for stuntman!


brad-pitt,June 23 – The 50-year-old actor reportedly scoured the globe for a rare 1936 Harley-Davidson VLD motorcycle when he heard his friend’s bike was destroyed during a house fire. A source told the National Enquirer newspaper: “The guy had several bikes, but this was his baby and because it wasn’t a street bike, he didn’t have it insured.

“So Brad sprang into action, hiring a broker to search the world for a duplicate. When one was finally located in Germany, Brad wrote a cheque and had the boss machine delivered with a note that simply said he knew how much his buddy loved that bike, and just wanted to help out.”

Brad-Pitt_teaser_620x348Meanwhile, it appears Brad’s kind personality hasn’t gone unnoticed by his fellow co-stars as Clint Eastwood’s son Scott – who worked with the Hollywood hunk on the World War II drama film ‘Fury’ earlier this year – admits he was moved by his kindness and humility.


He said previously: “[Brad is] a kind and humble person, which is everything in this world. He’s a great actor, but because he’s proactive about developing material and getting stuff made.”