Home English News Second broadcast centre helps to improve service by Astro – Jailani

Second broadcast centre helps to improve service by Astro – Jailani


astro-free-decoder-r-2014521718KUALA LUMPUR, June 23 – A second broadcast centre set up in Cyberjaya helps to improve the service provided by Astro, especially during rainy weather.

Deputy Minister of Communications and Multimedia Datuk Jailani Johari said the second broadcast centre acts as support to Astro’s main broadcasting centre at Bukit Jalil.

“Every time the broadcast centre in Bukit Jalil fails to transmit (signal) to the satellite (uplink), the broadcast centre in Cyberjaya will help to send the signal and vice versa.


“This has been able to reduce the disruption of service due because of the rain,” he said in reply to a question from Senator Datuk Seri S. Nallakaruppan
in the Dewan Negara, here today.

Jailani said the government had also urged Astro to use a larger antenna to solve the problem.

In addition to Astro’s service, the government also provides a choice to consumers through two other pay television services namely HyppTV and ABNxcess.