Home English News Najib Announces RM500 Financial Aid To Civil Servants Up To Grade 54!

Najib Announces RM500 Financial Aid To Civil Servants Up To Grade 54!


najib-tun-razakKUALA LUMPUR, July 3 – Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today announced the payment of a Special Financial Aid of RM500 to civil servants in Grade 1 to Grade 54 as preparations for the Hari Raya Aidil Fitri .

The Prime Minister also announced a Special Financial Aid of RM250 to 684,000 government pensioners to appreciate their contributions, deeds and services. “The payment of the special aid will be made on July 15,” he said in a statement, here today.

Najib said the Special Financial Aid payment to the civil servants and government pensioners involved a financial allocation of RM890 million. The government hoped that the special financial aid could ease the financial burden of the civil servants and pensioners in making preparations to celebrate the festive season at the end of the month.
