Home Editor's Pick Beat that mid-day slump!

Beat that mid-day slump!


waterJuly 30 – Don’t reach for that shot of caffeine to get over high noon inertia. These smart strategies can help better IF halfway through the day, you feel bogged down, stifling your yawns and ready to hit the snooze button, then a few quick fix moves can help kick that lethargy out of you.

While a bar of chocolate can perk you up, the ‘ magical’ effects are definitely not going to last. So go for these simple, effective ways and turn your otherwise drab, sluggish day into a highly energetic one.

And if you wonder why your energy level comes down so drastically as the sun hits the mid- day mark, here is what the experts have to say: ” That’s how our bodies are tuned to be. Our moods and energy levels are said to be the lowest in the afternoons.


But certain lifestyle measures like drinking enough water, having adequate sleep, eating right can help you fight that off,” says Dr S. P. Byotra, head, medicine, Sir Gangaram Hospital. There can be many reasons for mid- day inertia, but try these lifestyle moves, and it is bound to work.

midweek slumpDRINK WATER:
It’s true. One of the side- effects of dehydration is lethargy. So drink enough. ” Dehydration is one of the main reasons for fatigue. Sometimes it can also lead to headaches.

Staying hydrated is a simple and effective way to set your energy levels right, apart from other health benefits,” says Dr M. P. Sharma, internal medicine specialist, Rockland Hospital.

A shot of sunlight can boost your circadian clock. ” It can actually set things on track as vitamin D is important for the body. It is known to improve energy levels and the moods,” points out Dr Byotra.

Your dependable aid could be a nutritious breakfast which contains a proper combination of proteins and good fats. ” It all comes down to balancing the blood sugar levels.

Instead of missing breakfast and going for a loaded lunch, do it vice- versa. The other rule is to include a protein packed lunch which includes lentils, eggs, among others,” says Dr Mridul Arora, New Delhibased internal medicine specialist.

sleepingGO GREEN:
” Make it a point to include lots of fruits and vegetables to meet your vitamin needs. Instead of those sugar snacks you can go for a bowl of nuts like peanuts, walnuts, almonds, among others. Sipping green tea can help you too,” says Dr Arora.

If none of the lifestyle measures seem to work, check with the doctor as extreme tiredness could be a result of some treatable medical condition like vitamin deficiency, depression, anaemia, among others.

Go for some quick snacks like a high protein bar as it can help you stay alert. While it is tempting to go for that instant rush of energy with that chocolate bar, it will only boost you temporarily.

Instead go for healthy alternatives like nuts to perk up your energy levels and balance blood sugar levels too,” says Dr Sharma.

woman-wearingSNOOZE ENOUGH:
” Lack of sleep is one of the main reasons for mid- afternoon inertia. We tend to cheat on our sleep cycle but it backfires. It can end up making you tired in the afternoon. Eight hours of sleep is a must,” says Dr Sharma. Most of it begins with the right amount of sleep and ensuring that you don’t have a sleep debt. ” It is important to stick to a sleep cycle and you would see your energy levels turn around for good,” says Dr Byotra.

This simple move can help you boost energy levels rather quickly and increase the blood flow to different organs. ” It takes some simple neck, back and arm stretches which can help you pull out of that dullness instantly,” says Dr Sharma.

Go for a jog or brief walk as exercises are the best options. And you get your dose of vitamin D too with the fitness move. Just a 10- minute walk post- lunch can help. ” Instead of that diet cola, go for a walk. You not only save yourself from the illeffects of cola drinks but also end up with a fitter self,” says Dr SP Byotra.