Home Editor's Pick George W Bush authors book ’41: A Portrait of My Father’

George W Bush authors book ’41: A Portrait of My Father’


George W BushNew Delhi, September 5 – Former US President George W Bush has authored a personal biography of his father, George H. W. Bush, the 41st President, titled “41: A Portrait of My Father”.

The book will be released in the US and Canada by Crown Publishers on November 11, 2014, in print and digital formats, a report said. The younger Bush was the country’s 43rd president. Crown plans to print one million copies in the first edition.

Bush had been quietly working on the biography over the past few years. On Wednesday, Crown also released the cover image for the book, an intimate close-up of the 41st president, and announced that George W Bush will narrate the audio edition of “41.”


The younger Bush’s earlier book “Decision Points”, a memoir of America’s 43rd president, offers his candid journey through the defining decisions of his life.