Home English News Saravanan, Sothi removed as State chiefs – Rift in MIC widens!

Saravanan, Sothi removed as State chiefs – Rift in MIC widens!


Palanivel-and-MICKuala Lumpur, January 27 – Embattled MIC president Dato Seri G.Palanivel, today retaliated against his political opponents by removing Datuk M.Saravanan as the State Chief of MIC Wilayah Persekutuan and appointed Tan Sri Ramasamy as the  new State Chief of Perak.

With this appointment, Palanivel has relinquished his position as the Perak State Chairman.

Surprisingly Palanivel has also removed Sothinathan as the Negeri State Chief. Sothinathan was widely seen as backing Palanivel in the current political battle sweeping the party.


Following is the press statement released by Palanivel today:-

“Beginning of this year, I had announced that I will be introducing changes in MIC in stages for a vibrant, dynamic and focused vision for the Indian community in Malaysia. As part of the changes, I would like to make the announcement on further new appointments for several key positions at the State Liaison Committees.

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Tan Sri Ramasamy Muthusamy will be taking over as the Chairman of the Perak State Liaison Committee from me. Dato’ Ganesan Arumugam will be taking over the position of Dato’ S. Sothinathan as the Negeri Sembilan State Liaison Committee Chairman. Dato’ S. Sothinathan had very magnanimously agreed to relinquish his position as Negeri Sembilan State Liaison Committee Chairman at my request to concentrate at the national level.

Datuk Rajoo Vyraperumal will be the new Wilayah State Liaison Committee Chairman replacing Datuk M Saravanan. Mr Nedunchelian will take over the previous position of Datuk Rajoo as the Wilayah State Liaison Committee Deputy Chairman.

I had also appointed Mr Jacob Samuel as the new Selangor State Liaison Committee Secretary replacing Mr Parthiban. There will also be changes in the respective State Liaison Committees which will be announced by the respective Chairman of the State Liaison Committees.

All the appointments take effect immediately and I have issued letters to all concerned which will be received by them in due course.

I thank Datuk M Saravanan, Dato’ Sothinathan and Mr Parthiban for their services rendered in their previous positions”