Home Editor's Pick June 15 – D-day for MIC!

June 15 – D-day for MIC!


Kuala Lumpur, May 27 – The prolonged legal battle between MIC President Dato Seri G.Palanivel’s camp and the Registrar of Societies (RoS) may finally come to an end on the 15th of June as the court is expected to pronounce its judgment on that day.

G.Rajoo DatoIn a joint press statement released today immediately after court’s adjournment Datuk G.Rajoo (pic) and P.Wilson, the coordinators of the national organising committee  for the MIC division heads, explained about the court case case in detail. The following is the full text of their press statement:-

“The Honourable court today heard the merits of the judicial review and adjourned the matter to 15th June for judgement. For the first time the case was heard in open court and surprisingly unlike all previous hearings no press conference or statement has been released to confuse the ground by Palanivel’s supporters.


There is really nothing much left for Palanivel and his cronies right now. The case is coming to closure where judgement will be given in 15th June. Palanivel and his team argued today that ROS has no powers to investigate a society if there are electoral irregularities .

They claim that ROS can only step in to determine if there exist any disputes and the resolution of these disputes lies in the hands of the society .They say ROS cannot intervene how the Society resolves these disputes. Palanivel is implying that the running of political parties should simply be left to the President.

It would appear that even if there is clear evidence of fraud or illegal branches taking part, it’s up to the President to determine the next course of action. This means Palanivel prefers dictatorial style of leadership. Why does the government need to have a body like ROS if ROS does not have any powers to investigate fraud and illegal practice of a society?

The AG chambers in their submission mentioned that this case is not between ROS and MIC but instead ROS and Palanivel who keep changing the goal post and eventually got cornered by the same game he is playing finally resorting to Judicial review. The AG chambers presented a letter written by Palanivel on 5th February offering settlement. The AG chambers also argued that ROS simply put in the process to effect Palanivel’s settlement proposal in accordance to the powers vested to them in the societies act. Why did Palanivel first offer a settlement ?

MIC members who attended the hearing today were caught by surprised when Palanivel’s lawyer mention that the term sheet signed by him with the Prime Minister on 18th Feb agreeing to the re-election and CWC 2009 was non binding as it wasn’t signed on MIC letterhead and that Palanivel signed it in his own capacity. This is indeed shameful for the Indian community when it’s leader can turn his back on the Prime Minister.

To be honest,  Palanivel and team is simply treading on a thin ice. If the judge decides in their favour, it will simply open a Pandora box as to how society can be run by its President. We will be going back to the days of dictatorial leadership. Nevertheless anything can happen in court. Let us all patiently wait and hope that justice prevails on 15th June.”