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“RoS has no power to interpret article 91 of MIC Constitution- I am still President” – claims Palanivel


Kuala Lumpur, June 26 – Embattled MIC “President “ Datuk Seri G.Palanivel said the RoS has no power to interpret article 91 of MIC Constitution and claimed he is still the legal President of MIC in response to the letter issued by RoS.

Palanivel also accused Subra of “misleading” the public on the interpretation of article 91 and in respect of the letter from RoS.

Palanivel-new-FeatureBelow is the full text of his press statement released today:-


Datuk Seri Dr S Subramaniam (Subra) issued a press statement yesterday that the Registrar of Societies (RoS) has recognised that I am no longer a member of Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) as per Article 91 of MIC Constitution and that RoS has attached the list of office bearers of the alleged 2009 Interim CWC of MIC.

Form the reading of the letter, it is clear that the letter from RoS has been taken out of context. RoS has merely noted the wrong contents of the letter dated 17 June 2015 sent by Subra and his group to RoS. RoS has not made any determination on their own on the application of Article 91 of the MIC Constitution. RoS knows that they have no such jurisdiction to interpret the MIC Constitution.

s-subramaniam1-020713_484_321_100I also believe that RoS has attached the list of the alleged office bearers of the 2009 Interim CWC purely based on the letter from Subra to RoS. It was not RoS’s own conduct of determining who are the lawful office bearers, which is beyond their jurisdiction. RoS knows or ought to know that any interpretation of the MIC Constitution can only be done by the proper CWC of MIC and no others.

Obviously Subra had misled the public to think that RoS, a Government agency, has acted beyond their jurisdiction to wrongly make a determination on Article 91 when they did not.

Be that as it may, RoS also should not have acknowledged unilaterally whatever Subra and his group have written to them. More so when I had on 16 June 2015 written to RoS immediately to put RoS on notice of the illegality of the notice and the meeting held by Subra on 16 June 2015.

Let me make it absolutely clear that I am the President of MIC and there shall be no doubt whatsoever on this. I have been a member of MIC since I was 18 years old and there is no way I am going to allow Subra, who is so scared to face me in the elections, to unilaterally and unlawfully claim that I am no longer a member of MIC.

MIC-logoThe proper office bearers of the 2009 Interim CWC (on a without prejudice basis to the appeal and the stay application) held a valid meeting on 25 June 2015 and passed the necessary resolutions. The meeting held on 25 June 2015 was the only valid meeting of the 2009 Interim CWC and no other.

All the meetings held by Subra were against the clear provisions of the MIC Constitution and invalid. RoS will be made aware of this and I believe RoS will act impartially and acknowledge this clear fact.

I will take all necessary actions against Subra and, if necessary, also against RoS to protect my interests and the interests of the other 4 members as well as the interests of the Party. I hope I am not pushed to do so. I will not allow third parties to dictate on the internal affairs of MIC. I will not allow people like Subra and his group to pawn MIC’s affairs to third parties for their own political agenda.

I had spoken to the Prime Minister and had in fact given my proposals for the elections of the Party to be conducted by us. I am awaiting the response of the Prime Minister who I believe was receptive of my proposals for an amicable resolution. I have at all times acted in the best interest of the Party. However, the letter from RoS has caused so much confusion even before Prime Minister could respond to my letter.

I urge Party members and leaders not to be disheartened with the current situation but I assure all members that I am taking all necessary actions to undo all the illegal things being done by Subra and his group. With the overwhelming support of all the members and leaders of MIC who are behind me, we will surely come out of this situation with the integrity and dignity of the Party intact.