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Tag: Anwar Ibrahim

“End of road for PM Anwar with Indians?” – Ramasamy asks

COMMENT BY PROF DR P.RAMASAMY, FORMER DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER II, PENANG End of road for PM Anwar with Indians? It was joyous occasion for non-Malays in general...

“Indian question: Anwar to tread the tightrope of stability and instability”...

COMMENT BY PROF DR P.RAMASAMY, FORMER DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER II, PENANG Indian question: Anwar to tread the tightrope of stability and instability Prime Minister Anwar...

Anwar’s intervention to rectify the perception that Indians are sidelined in...

COMMENT BY PROF DR P.RAMASAMY, FORMER DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER II, PENANG Anwar’s intervention to rectify the perception that Indians are sidelined in the country The MIC...

“Give Anwar a chance” – Ramasamy

COMMENT BY YB PROF DR P.RAMASAMY, DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER II, PENANG "Give Anwar a chance" There are those who expect instant reforms from Prime Minister Anwar...

“Good governance ultimate litmus test of unity government” – Ramasamy

COMMENT BY YB PROF DR P.RAMASAMY, DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER II, PENANG Good governance ultimate litmus test of unity government The unity government’s solidarity convention in Kuala Lumpur...

Why is there such strong resistance against Anwar? – Ramasamy explains

COMMNENT BY YB PROF DR P.RAMASAMY, DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER II, PENANG I have always wondered why there is such a strong and firm resistance in...

“I am now more confident Anwar unity government can last 5...

Media Statement by DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang on Saturday, 11th March 2023: I am now more confident that the Anwar unity government can last five...

“Give Anwar a chance; Mahathir’s confidence irrelevant…” – Ramasamy

COMMENT BY YB PROF DR P.RAMASAMY, DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER II, PENANG Give Anwar a chance It doesn’t matter anymore whether the former twice prime minister...

“Recognising ethnic representation is democratic” – Ramasamy

COMMENT BY YB PROF DR P.RAMASAMY, DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER II, PENANG Recognising ethnic representation is democratic My piece “Only one Indian for minister? Harapan can do...

Indians are disappointed with unity government – Ramasamy

COMMENT BY YB PROF DR P.RAMASAMY, DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER II, PENANG Indians are disappointed with unity government The high hope that the new unity government...