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MCO : Do’s and Don’ts from Ministry of International Trade & Industry




1. Since 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted health and livelihoods not just in Malaysia, but throughout the world. As a consequence of the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries around the world have tightened movement controls, in response to current developments and situations.

2. The Government has always been committed in mitigating the spread of COVID-19. The Government will continue to adopt a proactive and responsive approach taking into into account the advice and views of public health experts in introducing firm and effective measures in order to break the chain of infections of the COVID-19 virus. At the same time, the Government will continue to take all efforts to ensure the continuance of economic activities to bring prosperity and well being to the rakyat.


3. The Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), as the ministry responsible for the development and growth of industry, trade and investment in the country, is always receptive of views from the industry associations and chambers of commerce. These views are pertinent in facilitating the Government to strike a balance between the imperative of health protection and the need to generate and revitalise the country’s economic sectors. As a result of continuous engagements and constructive consultations with industry associations, chambers of commerce and other stakeholders, MITI has formulated a set of comprehensive, relevant and practical Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). These SOPs will enable the smooth flow of operations and ensure effective implementation of Business Continuity Plan, particularly for the duration of MCO, beginning 13 January 2021 until 26 January 2021.

4. The Government’s decision to allow five (5) essential economic sectors including manufacturing to operate is to ensure the country’s economic recovery process, business sustainability, avoid high unemployment rates among Malaysians and ensure people continue to gain access to basic and critical necessities, throughout the MCO period. The six (6) states under MCO are the main drivers of the country’s economic activities and major contributors to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), totaling 66.3 per cent of the total GDP. The state of Selangor’s contribution to GDP is at 24.2 per cent, Federal Territories (16.9 per cent), Johor (9.4 per cent), Penang (6.7 per cent), Sabah (6.0 per cent), and Melaka (3.1 per cent).

5. This proactive action by the Government will have a positive impact on the country’s economic growth, local and foreign investment flows as well as the sustainability of Small and Medium Enterprises. Among the important considerations also taken into account by the Government is the need to ensure the stability of the country’s export activities as Malaysia is one of the key players in the global supply chain ecosystem. The sectors of the economy in essential services that are allowed to operate during the MCO period are detailed in Appendix 1. This Appendix covers the manufacturing sector under the oversight of MITI, and the construction, services, trade and distribution sectors, as well as plantations and commodities under the jurisdiction of other ministries and agencies. SOPs for the manufacturing sector under the purview of MITI can be downloaded from the MITI website at www.miti.gov.my.

6. Companies that have registered with the MITI database, namely COVID-19 Intelligent Management System (CIMS) through the link https://notification.miti.gov.my do not need to re-register to operate during the MCO period. These companies are only required to download the notification of registration confirmation, beginning today, 12 January 2021, at 3.00 pm.

7. Manufacturing companies in essential services that have not registered with CIMS can do so at the link https://notification.miti.gov.my from 3.00 pm, 12 January 2021. The notification of registration confirmation can be downloaded by the company upon completion of registration.

8. The aforementioned process of registration (via CIMS) only applies to companies in the manufacturing sector under the purview of MITI. It is the responsibility of the employer to download the notification of registration confirmation in order to enable the movement of their employees during the MCO period. Employees of the company who are allowed to be at work according to the specified times are required to bring along a copy of the notification provided by the employer together with the employee pass / employer confirmation letter. This is to facilitate the movement of commercial vehicles as well as the movement of workers between residence and work place. MITI has informed the Royal Malaysia Police regarding this matter to facilitate movement during roadblock operations.

9. In line with the objective of curbing the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, only 30 percent of employees in the management group are allowed to be in the office. The number of support staff and employees directly involved in the production line will be determined by their respective employers, taking into account strict compliance to the SOP.

10. For work that does not require physical attendance, the Work From Home (WFH) directive will apply. The Government calls on the industry and the private sector to enhance the implementation of WFH as a new norm, in line with the advances of the latest technologies and online applications.

11. In order to prevent the pandemic from becoming more critical, the Government and the private sector must work together to control and break the chain of transmission. This is essential to protect the health and safety of the people and accelerate the economic recovery process.

12. It cannot be over-emphasised that it is the duty and responsibility of the industry to comply with the MCO and SOP set by the Government. MITI, in collaboration with the relevant state authorities, will conduct periodic enforcement throughout the MCO period on companies to ensure compliance with SOPs and will take action to compound offences in accordance with Section 25 of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act (Act 342). Employers who fail to comply with the SOP will be subject to legal action, including closure of premises.

13. MITI has also provided a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) to assist the industry in obtaining detailed and accurate information on SOPs set by the Government to enable the manufacturing sector to operate during the MCO period.

14. As the country’s economic front liners, MITI will continue to foster a conducive and business-friendly environment that enables economic activities to operate and grow.